Sarah Eastman
Alexander Technique

Sliding tuition scale based on location and need. Contact for pricing (average is $75/hr)
4 lesson package deals available
Group lesson/class deals available
*Lessons are offered at Sarah's home studio in Fitchburg, WI.
Online lessons via zoom are also available for those around the country.
What is the Alexander Technique?
The Alexander Technique is a way of bringing ourselves back to our natural state-of-being, the way our bodies were designed to function. Throughout the chaos of daily life we develop habits and increased tension that can impact our use and even create pain. The Alexander Technique strives to free the tension and allow for ease and freedom in your body.
To sum it up, Alexander Technique is a deep study of how we do what we do and who we think we need to be while we do it.
About Sarah
Sarah is a certified Alexander Technique teacher. She completed her certification through the Boston Conservatory at Berklee under the training of Debi Adams. She has also been influenced by the teachings of Tommy Thompson, Bob Lada, Eliza Malouk, and Jamee Culbertson.
Her teaching focuses on a student-centered approach, allowing the students to be in the driver seat for what is important for them. We can work on your instrument; daily activities such as sitting, standing, walking; computer/phone usage; talking or singing; putting on make-up, etc. Alexander Technique can be for everyone-- from performers, to massage therapists, to cosmetologists, to accountants, to construction workers!

Tensegrity Model
How can Alexander Technique help my Voice?
Our body moves through tensegrity. Tensegrity describes our structural integrity by combining 'tension with integrity'. Every bone, muscle, ligament in our body are connected and have an element of tension and relaxation throughout daily movements. We are able to balance with freedom of movement while maintaining stability. With that any movement can cause a tensional shift somewhere else.
What does this have to do with the voice, you ask? If I am breathing with tension in my abdomen, this is creating an increase in pressure of breath or even difficulty breathing. As this air moves through our vocal folds with increased force, we may develop different patterns or responses to account for the change in airflow, thus causing a dysphonic or hyperfunctional voice.
Similarly, if we are standing in a rigid 'soldier' posture, which most of us have been told is "proper posture," we may be creating tension in our neck, back, shoulders, etc. These muscles directly connect to the larynx and are accessory muscles used to aid in phonation. So if we have created tension in our upper body, we are directly creating tension in our larynx, which can lead to undesirable vocal symptoms.
In an Alexander Technique lesson we will work on addressing your habitual patterns and freeing the tension throughout our structure to create increased ease and freedom throughout the entire body, including the voice.

Group Classes
Interested in sharing Alexander Technique principles in your office or workplace? Want your actors/singers/dancers to have the skills to be mindful during a performance? Want your students to have better use in the classroom? I have experience teaching large group Alexander Technique and would love to work with you to come up with a plan that best suits you.
Sarah has given group AT classes to Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra, Boston City Singers, Colleges of Fenway, MGH Institute of Health Professions, and Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Click here to inquire or book!